I Am
Here I am, precious Jesus, in Your cathedral watching the rolling sea. In awe I
touch You. I hear You speak and I weep in wonder.
“I A M”
“Power beyond imagining
Beauty beyond description
Immense beyond calculation
Deep beyond vision
Love beyond love, beyond anything you have ever known
or thought or imagined or dreamed or hoped or longed for.
Dependable beyond certainty
Moving, active, changing and
Changeless beyond faithful
Living—giving beyond all life’s fountains.”
LORD, with my whole heart I worship You.
I love You who are L O V E.
I touch You who touches and holds me.
I give my little life into
Your LIFE.
You fill me with wonder and grace.
Fill me, too, with Your beauty,
May the little teacup of me hold the
WATER of You. Nothing else
–only You.
In worship of YOU, I let go of the
stagnant pool of ME
the littleness
the anxiety for what’s ahead
the fears of inadequacy,
of my smallness
and my need.
I open, simply open to You Creator God,
Lover, sustainer, Life itself.
Nothing is too hard for You
You are more, much more than adequate–
You are overflowing, abundant, mighty.
My littleness doesn’t matter
My stagnance matters–
Wash it away, Jesus .
Purify me anew with your Immensity.
I wait, I trust.
Overflow into me. Fill my self.
–October 30, 1999